Sex, Like Fire is a book and program primarily for youth in our homes and churches. Our young especially are bombarded and confused with secular beliefs and practices in our increasingly immoral culture. It is written in an interactive youth-friendly dialog format. It is an excellent tool for parent-teen talks, and teen small group education. We do not emphasize basic “birds and bees” details on how a child is conceived. Most kids learn this in grade school or hopefully from parents by the 5th or 6th grade.
Subscribe to Robert W. Miner, MD
Sex, Like Fire is a book and program primarily for youth in our homes and churches. Ouryoung especially are bombarded and confused with secular beliefs and practices in our increasingly immoral culture. It is written in an interactive youth-friendly dialog format. It is an excellent tool for parent-teen talks, and teen small group education.
I am a physician-psychiatrist and a follower of Christ. I practiced Christian psychiatry for 42 years in West Michigan and Fort Wayne, Indiana. I was privileged to successfully treat many young people, elderly, and every age in between, including pre-teens, developmentally disabled folks, the elderly, military veterans with PTSD, and patients with severe dissociative disorders.